I recently requested some help which was generously and promptly forthcoming. Have found Richard and colleagues to be most knowledgeable, personable and helpful. Attended a recent in-house Network Seminar which has confirmed my original impressions. If you want legal precision and employment insulation, I know of no firm which offers a better service and could save you a lot of time, effort and money in the process. Highly recommended

Business client based in Richmond

Contact us

For more information or queries about issues discussed in this article, please contact by email.

To speak directly with or any other of The Legal Partners team of specialist business and HR lawyers based at our Richmond UK office, or our partner lawyers in Singapore, please call +44 203 755 5288

This article explains the main legal issues and common situations to consider. It is not a substitute for legal advice. Please get in contact to discuss your particular issue or queries.

Contact us

For more information or queries about issues discussed in this article, please contact by email.

To speak directly with Richard or any other of The Legal Partners team of specialist business and HR lawyers based at our Richmond UK office, or our partner lawyers in Singapore, please call +44 203 755 5288

This article explains the main legal issues and common situations to consider. It is not a substitute for legal advice. Please get in contact to discuss your particular issue or queries.